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Today's topic: Government shutdown will occur April 8, 2011 if an agreement is not met on budget proposal.
Vital Services Keep Running: The term “shutdown” substantially overstates the matter. Even if Congress and the President fail to reach agreement, the most essential services continue, such as: (1) providing for national security, (2) conducting foreign affairs, (3) providing for the continuity of mandatory benefit payments, and (4) protecting life and property. These services include military, law enforcement, VA care, and others. Social Security checks are still mailed.The federal employees that do not work during the shutdown do get paid once they resume working for the time they were off. Passport and backruptcy claims are slowed and most of the National Parks are shut down. At least that is how it was during the shutdown of 1995.
Here is how Obama's proposed budget compares to past presidents':
The rough bottom line is Republicans would cut about $64 billion from domestic and foreign aid appropriations.
These cuts would come from the Environmental Protection Agency, Community Development Block Grants, Pell Grants, the National Science Foundation, foreign aid and State Department Funds.
One thing about a budget, when you spend more in one area, the cuts have to come from another area. Otherwise, the government is just spending money they do not have, and that is a terrible example to set as precedence for the American people.
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