Monday, April 4


Thrive!ABQ is the city of Albuquerque's initiative to retain and grow business.
The complete summary is in the link above but I copied off two different segments that I thought were interesting.

The first area describes the target industries that the City of Albuquerque is focusing their efforts:
ABQ has huge assets in its human capital and technology resources. We will continue to use those assets to our advantage in recruitment of high tech firms. Tech transfer and spinoffs are additional areas for ABQ to capitalize on.
This industry is a prime example of the marketing, incentives and building of infrastructure, used in combination, to develop an industry. We will continue these efforts in order to further grow this industry.
ABQ’s tourism assets are tremendous. Working with industry partners, we will continue to build our tourism and convention industry, which brings in valuable, outside dollars and enhances our national profile.
Clean Energy
Between our brainpower, ideal environment and existing assets, we will aggressively grow this industry. Currently, we are developing a strong base for this industry, which will lead to increased investment and related startups in the future."

I think it is beneficial to see the priorities of the city.  Another part of the summary that I felt was interesting was that the city put into their plan the importance of shopping local.  I respect the fact that the city will want to lead by example increasing their efforts to keep consumer spending in Albuquerque.
Here are the facts shared in the summary:
"a. The City spends nearly $250 million annually on good and services;
45% is spent within ABQ city limits.
b. Within Bernalillo County, the City spends 67%.
c. Currently, city departments buy everything from pens to cars based
on price and not location.
d. A directive has been issued that instructs all City directors to by local
first, if they can at competitive prices."

The second phase of thrive!ABQ was launched by Mayor Richard J. Berry, April 1, 2011 and that is:
This is a database of all registered business in Albuquerque and is a free service for all businesses to set up a profile.  This allows people to know where to shop so that their money is staying in the community. 

A great quote: 
"I understand that it is the private sector, not the government that creates jobs,” Mayor Berry explained. “But government can create an environment that makes doing business easier and that attracts more businesses to Albuquerque.”

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