Saturday, October 15


I am posting workouts to my youtube channel:  MTGclimb

These workouts are ten minutes or shorter in length to provide an easy way to get your workout in without it consuming a large part of your day.  Most of the time, by the time you factor in, drive time, time to change your clothes, workout time, and all the conversations had with friends and acquaintances at the gym, a workout can eat up 2-3 hours of your day. 

These workouts allow you to throw on a pair of shorts, grab weights or a ball, and go- In 15 minutes, you are back to your day. 

While watching these videos, you might notice, I can't perform the exercise perfectly or it takes me a couple tries; I might get out of form, turn a toe in, my hips do not remain square the whole time, my squat does not stay as low as I would like. 


The point:  Keep the correct form in mind- square your hips, keep your knees loose, do not extend your knee past your ankle, suck in your abs (keep them tight throughout the exercises), roll your shoulders back (remember posture, always, if possible).  These rules are important.  They help to optimize the benefit of each exercise and help to prevent injury. 


the most important part of these exercises is to BE ACTIVE.
We are not perfect and will not be perfect in all we do.  But we can strive everytime to do the best we can, and our best will always get better.  Don't let the fear of not being perfect keep you from being fit. 

so have fun and stay active!
and let me know if there is a type of exercise you would like to see.
leave me a comment


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